The flamboyant actor shared details of the upcoming divorce with the skater Marina Anisina those.
Yesterday it became known that the test of time could not stand another famous couple – actor Nikita Dzhigurda and figure skater Marina Anisina. Found the media, for divorce fell Marina, putting the cause of “irreconcilable contradictions and irresponsible attitude of the spouse to the family.” As a lawyer she hired Sergei Gorina, who worked with many Russian celebrities.
Nikita did not remain silent, and shared with journalists details of the upcoming divorce.
“I wanted to do it quietly. We had to get a divorce 27 August in Moscow. Halloween, on the show in a night club to announce it,” – said the artist in an interview with the channel REN TV.
Also Dzhigurda said that he already has a new girlfriend.
“We don’t live with her (Anisina) as a man with a woman for about a year. I have fulfilled my promise: Marina Anisina – the last woman Nikita Dzhigurda. I’m changing the name and the surname in America. And Marina knows already that I have (with a new name) is the bride of an American”, – said Nikita.
Well, the flamboyant showman remains true to himself.
Recall that Dzhigurda and Anisina married in February 2008. They have two children: 7-year-old Mick-angel-Krist and 6-year-old Eva-Vlad.