Герцогиня Кэтрин призналась, что чувствует себя ужасно одинокой

35-year-old Kate Middleton, appearing in public, always looks flawless. In addition, it is stylish and elegantly dressed, her hair neatly arranged, and on the face of the applied light makeup, Kate adorns a smile. It seems that the Duchess of Cambridge always in good spirits that she’s all fine and no problems of an ordinary man she did not know. But Middleton says that it is not so. Duchess Catherine admitted this at a meeting with students of Global Academy in London.

For a visit to the Academy, Kate chose a bright red suit from Armani. Middleton was glowing with friendliness and good humor. But when she struck up a conversation with two young mothers from among the students, she noticeably became sad. The girls complained to her how sometimes things are hard, and Katherine suddenly said: “you Know, I sometimes also feel terribly lonely… to Do all the time with children, friends I see very rarely… But all of us, young mothers, need to have the courage to get through difficult times…”.

In the words of the monarch could not catch journalists who suggested that most likely Kate is frustrated that her life puts not the way she would like. Then Middleton recalled her words, spoken shortly after the birth of Prince George: “Nothing can prepare you to what experiences any woman, including me, when becoming a mother it’s an incredible mixture of love, concern and incredible, constant fatigue… You suddenly cease to be the same person, you no longer have the time and opportunity to think about yourself, only about the baby.”

The press concluded that motherhood was for Kate a very difficult challenge, even a challenge.

Note that upset about the temporary difficulties associated with raising children, is not worth it. As you know, children grow up very quickly, because right now you need to enjoy all the emotion that gives this period.