Герцогиня Кэтрин перевоспитала супруга
Prince William showed what he’s capable of.

Герцогиня Кэтрин перевоспитала супруга

Prince Harry, Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William

Prince William, as you know, loves to play
football. But here is the hobby his wife Duchess Catherine yoga he always
treated with some irony. However, recently, under the influence resistant
persuasion of his wife, he changed his opinion and decided to follow her

Kate began practicing yoga when she
was waiting for his eldest son. At that time, she worked with a personal
an instructor in the program “yoga for pregnancy”. But then, after
she gave birth to Prince George , Kate did not leave his study. Between
way, possible thanks to this class the Duchess manages to keep
flawless shape. And more recently, Kate has ensured that her husband and
joined this practice.

Their first, still very modest success William
demonstrated before the beginning of the Polo match in Ascott. William, like his brother
Harry, “signed up” to participate in a series of charity games with
to raise funds for 13 different organizations. The brothers have been doing this for
several years and during that time collected this way almost 14 million pounds.

Before you be dressed in sports uniforms and
to sit on a horse, William decided to warm up right on the field. Moreover, he somehow
way managed to take yogic poses in white jeans, which
you know, restrict movement. Kind Prince, who assiduously puffed, doing not
too intricate movements, amused bystanders. More
was amused by the fact that the Prince practiced on the field with no shoes, but black socks.

However, it seems, in the end, yoga helped William
during the game that followed his workout. The match was rather tense,
and both the Prince gave in full. And Harry, who unlike
his older brother, ignoring the warm-up before the game, injured
back. So the younger Prince had to call on the doctor who
helped him to get rid of the pain in the stretched muscle. But William and at the end
the game looked quite cheerful.

Герцогиня Кэтрин перевоспитала супруга

Prince William

Photo: Instagram.com

Prince William

Photo: Instagram.com

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