Наркодилер мужа Николь Кидман рассказал всю правду о Ките Урбане
Nobody believed that the singer will be able to overcome my addiction.

Nicole Kidman and Keith urban

the fact that the spouse, 49-year-old Nicole Kidman — Keith urban — was an alcoholic and a drug addict, has long been known. But recently, the drug dealer, the singer decided to share the details of a scandalous past, a country music singer and to Express their views on
prospects of marriage for Keith and Nicole. About all this he told Australian reporters.

says David Dobson, urban became
his client in the early 90’s and
remained so until 2001. The dependence of the whale in some
the time came to such a point that getting a new batch of “doping”, he’s not
could tide you over until you get home. “Keith asked me for permission
to use my bathroom and ran back, pulling out a lighter on the go to
prepare your dose…” said David. Dobson admitted: it is difficult
to believe that urban allegedly managed to end my addiction when
was the husband of Kidman. “I don’t know how she manages to keep him from his demons,
and how much longer he can hold out…” said Dobson.

by the way, in fact, in the story of the healing of the whale all is not so simple.
After all, just three months after her marriage to Kidman, urban broke again and
quickly reached the point that it had to be put in the hospital. It came from
for the mind only after Kidman gave him a categorical ultimatum.
“Or are you going to work on yourself, or it’s over between us!” — she said then.

although this was the third time in eight years, when Keith had to solve their problems with the help of doctors, since he seems to be, fails to comply with
the terms of his agreement with his wife. However, according to detractors of the whale,
he now finds the “adrenaline drive” is not a chemical doping and
endless dalliances with young
Babes. Fortunately for the 49-year-old Urbana, patient Kidman forgive him his “pranks”,
because he believes deep down he loves only her and will never be solved
to leave his family and his two charming daughters: eight-year-old Sunday rose and
six-year-old faith Margaret.