Водителя Анастасии Волочковой жестоко избивают в тюрьме Wife of Alexander Skirtach worried about his health. According to some, in one of the detention centers of Moscow, with him being abused. Anastasia is not going to forgive a man or to help his family.
Водителя Анастасии Волочковой жестоко избивают в тюрьме

Knowing that driver many months stealing money, she was in shock. And Skirtach accused Alexander of stealing several million rubles. According to her version, he had access to royalties from concerts and not brought large sums to the banks. Holding here and there are tens of thousands, the man wanted to illegally enrich themselves. But the deception was discovered. The Tverskoy district court concluded the driver, who continues to deny everything, into custody and sent at the time of investigation in one of the detention centers of Moscow. Four months later, the defendant’s wife Sophia called the law company “Gordon and Sons”.

Anastasia Volochkova had a confrontation with his wife deceived her driver

“Sonia was very upset – says “StarHit” Kate Gordon, the owner of the office. – In her opinion, the consequence has on Alexander strong pressure, forcing to confess and to incriminate himself. Sofia thinks Volochkova has connections, thanks to which that and treats her husband. The last straw was the news that a loved one several times badly beaten. Wife feared for his health. To Volochkova is also addressed, but she is determined categorically, hostile or forgive or is not going to help”.
Водителя Анастасии Волочковой жестоко избивают в тюрьме

Over the years of practice, Gordon has repeatedly faced with a situation where the celebrity connected experience in litigation.

“Yes, I spoke repeatedly about the behavior of Anastasia, but don’t feel for her no malice – continues Catherine. – If the driver really lied to ballerina, will refuse him protection. In the meantime, my lawyers took up the case.”