Дрю Бэрримор ужаснула поклонников селфи без макияжа
Actress drew Barrymore was seriously frightened by subscribers in their appearance.

Дрю Бэрримор ужаснула поклонников селфи без макияжа

Drew Barrymore is known for her love of social media, so her fans won’t be bored – they can constantly follow updates of the blog of the actress.

Дрю Бэрримор ужаснула поклонников селфи без макияжа

Дрю Бэрримор ужаснула поклонников селфи без макияжа

But sometimes positive emotions from viewing personal photos favorite star abruptly changed into a completely negative. It happened with the new selfie drew without a drop of makeup.

Дрю Бэрримор ужаснула поклонников селфи без макияжа

Barrymore decided to capture myself in a very “messy”, what honestly readers to your page: “Oh my God! As I worked myself into such a state? The urgent need to do something with the eyebrows” – signed a very daring photo of 42-year-old actress.
But if the problem was only in the eyebrows – fans say that drew a clear disorder in the appearance as a whole.

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