Роми Стрейд выбрала для вечеринки потрясающее платье
Model download Strad arrived to the party in a very pretty dress of olive color.

Роми Стрейд выбрала для вечеринки потрясающее платье

The model chose La events are very interesting dress, unusual cut. The skirt had a slit up to the waist, but it did not look vulgar because the dress was layered.

Роми Стрейд выбрала для вечеринки потрясающее платье

She lifted one shoulder, which gave way to spice and a closed neckline did not prevent the model to look very attractive and stylish.

Build on your thigh even more stressed thin waist and delicate model figure, she completed both a small clutch, completely abandoning jewelry.

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