Врачи подозревают у Анджелины Джоли онкологическое заболевание

Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie, who along with losing weight and former appeal, dries easy on the eyes. If you believe the Western media, the weight of a celebrity hardly exceed 35 pounds.

Врачи подозревают у Анджелины Джоли онкологическое заболевание
The Angie fans have long called for it to stop and stop losing weight. Experts believe that Jolie simply cannot control rapid weight loss, suspect that she is terminally ill.

Врачи подозревают у Анджелины Джоли онкологическое заболевание
Famous actress and a great philanthropist, Jolie is still very active – he travels the world helping poor people. The last pictures taken by the paparazzi, The National ENQUIRER, it is clear that Angelina is not just really thin, she’s extremely pale and has a gaunt appearance.

Врачи подозревают у Анджелины Джоли онкологическое заболевание
Experts suspect Jolie anorexia, and even cancer. It is known that the mother of Jolie died from cancer, and remembering how hard it was leaving his native people, the actress made a double mastectomy and ovaries removed.

Sources close to Angie, claimed that her husband and father of her children Brad pitt, begs wife to take up the treatment until it is too late. Disputes led to another crisis in the family of Joliette and even talking about the readiness of Angelina to leave her husband, if he does not cease to press her.

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