Дмитрий Хворостовский откровенно заговорит о борьбе со злом Opera baritone that’s a new video for the song “Confession”. Today Dmitry Khvorostovsky turns 54, and on this special day his colleagues told about the surprise he is preparing his fans.

      Дмитрий Хворостовский откровенно заговорит о борьбе со злом

      The singer, who today celebrates 54th birthday, I will share a secret. The last half year, the famous baritone struggling with a terrible disease – a brain tumor. At the moment he is undergoing another cycle of chemotherpay in one of the London clinics.

      “During one of the routine checks, the doctors have noticed changes for the worse – says “StarHit” each artist Pavel Antonov. The tumor is rarely rented, it is not a quick process. The important thing is that Dima quiet and is determined to recover”.

      Despite his illness, Mr. Hvorostovsky does not stop to tour the world with concerts, and in the near future is preparing to release a new video for the song “Confession”. The video was filmed in August of this year in one of the pavilions in Moscow. Directed by Arkady Natow, words were written Liliya Vinogradova, and music composer Oleg Zholtikov.

      Дмитрий Хворостовский откровенно заговорит о борьбе со злом

      “Along with Lily, we wrote two compositions – “Waltz liar” and “Confession” – says the “StarHit” Oleg. – Dima heard them and they liked him. In may 2015 we met at the Studio – on the first day of 2.5 hours of rehearsal, and the next, for 3 hours, already recorded these songs. Then Dmitry has not yet announced that ill. And, looking at him, cheerful and smiling, this could be thought of last. I had the idea to do with Hvorostovsky great program, but the disease crippled plans. Almost immediately after our work, he went to London, all cancelled. Dima was the shock of the news of illness…” Little children Hvorostovsky don’t know about his illness

      Дмитрий Хворостовский откровенно заговорит о борьбе со злом

      During the year Hvorostovsky and Zholtikov communicated mainly “whatsapp” – Oleg consulted about creativity, they congratulated each other on holidays, sharing funny pictures.

      “I noticed that he cares more about texting than talking on the phone, – continues Oleg. – At some point, he showed a desire to shoot a video for “Confession”. For a month I collected in Moscow camera crew and in one day all done. At the second meeting Dima warmly welcomed me. Since he originally said that in all trusts the creative team and didn’t even read the script, then the site has been delayed was surprised at our idea. The clip talk about the inner struggle of light and dark start, which is transmitted via a game of chess. He will appear in two images – black and white open the viewer’s soul and share the most intimate”.

      In the near future in Moscow will be held the presentation of “Confessions”, as well as to shoot a video for the second song, “Waltz liar”.

      Дмитрий Хворостовский откровенно заговорит о борьбе со злом
      Дмитрий Хворостовский откровенно заговорит о борьбе со злом
      Дмитрий Хворостовский откровенно заговорит о борьбе со злом
      Дмитрий Хворостовский откровенно заговорит о борьбе со злом
      Дмитрий Хворостовский откровенно заговорит о борьбе со злом