Жену Джигана осудили за четвертую беременность
Oksana Samoilova was heavily criticized in the Network.

Photo: Instagram

The wife of rapper Dzhigan Oksana Samoylova unexpectedly became the object of criticism in the Network. Recently, she has published on the “stories” of his personal blog “pregnant” photo. It Oksana is obviously 4-5 months pregnant. Fans of star of the family went into shock from this and began to “fill up” the mother of many messages, why she did “it”.

“I heard enough of this! — says Samoilov. — Like I’m from another husband pregnant and these commentators have to bring up my mythical child. Yes, I am now five years will be afraid to become pregnant, in order not to disturb the psyche of the people the fourth child!”

As it turned out, she not expecting a child, and the photo she published old, taken during one of her previous three pregnancies. We will remind, in the family Dzhigan grows from three girls: Ariel (7), Leah (3 years old) and Maya (1 year). While shooting traditionally attracts the envy and admiration of thousands of audience their podeschi, as, having given birth to three children, has a perfect figure.

By the way, fans of the star family, seeing photos of a pregnant Oksana, just believe in her “interesting” position, dzhigan repeatedly said that for the three children he and his wife will not stop. The rapper loves his girls, but, like many men, dreams about son. He even wrote a poem about it in a rap:

“I have a daughter! Hear people? And let them know all about it around! I have a Daughter! Daughter! Daughter! And what I wish for you, my friend/ But I’m not banking on this point, and if the son will give all of a sudden, I’m not against, you know, kids don’t get off my hands!”