Развод Ксении Бородиной принял неожиданный поворот
The presenter went over himself.

Развод Ксении Бородиной принял неожиданный поворот

Ksenia Borodina with her husband Kurban Omarov and daughter Thea

Photo: @borodylia (Instagram Ksenia Borodina)

Personal life Ksenia Borodina more and more like a TV show, longtime leading which it is. The fact that the microblog stars “House-2” there was a picture, which became an indirect proof that the divorce Xenia and her husband Kurban Omarov is canceled. TV presenter has published the first, since the argument, shared with the spouse. More recently, they are not that close — in the same room did not want to be together and, by their own admission, even on the phone did not support contact. Reunion with the beloved Borodin did not comment. However, this was not necessary, given a bunch of hearts, which she decorated the picture with the Eid and their daughter Thea.

Now fans of the stars are in some confusion. Whether the upcoming divorce was played performance, whether Ksenia just lost pride. Just a month ago, she all over the country announced that lobster was repeatedly changed. Fans have even built a few theories, one of which is a home wrecker spouses made Alena Vodonaeva. Prior to this, in the list of ladies with whom allegedly entertained Kurban was and actress Nastassja Samburski. However, it later emerged that they were connected purely business relationship.

In General, the questions about the problematic relations of Xenia and Kurban much more than answers. However, fans of the presenter sincerely hope that in the near future she somehow comment on the changes in his personal life.

Ksenia Borodina with her husband

Photo: @borodylia (Instagram Ksenia Borodina)

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