Развод и скандал с сестрой: что скрывал внук Брежнева перед смертью Andrey Brezhnev has always been a private man, so many unpleasant facts of his biography came to light only after his death. As it turned out, the grandson of Leonid Brezhnev grieved at the death of his parents and was ashamed of a failed marriage.
Развод и скандал с сестрой: что скрывал внук Брежнева перед смертью

A series of deaths and quarrels of relatives — it seems that the curse of the famous clan, does not an invention of the spiteful critics. 10 July was not the grandson of Leonid Brezhnev. A politician recently lived in the Crimea and seldom spoke to journalists.

It was rumored that the man grieved at the death of their parents, which began to lead a private life. In the program “Let speak” Andrey’s friends Brezhnev said that was the reason for his seclusion.

“In 2012 my mother died of Andrew and it became for him a real blow. When my dad got sick, he immediately came to Moscow and began to care for it. However, Yuri Leonidovich survived his wife only a year. And recently became Milevoj Victoria, cousin of Andrew, with whom he had long clashed,” reported shortstop grandson of Leonid Brezhnev.
Развод и скандал с сестрой: что скрывал внук Брежнева перед смертью

The conflict was caused uncomplimentary remarks sister and grandfather. Surviving the betrayal of Andrei Brezhnev could not and for a long time did not give permission for burial of Victoria in the family vault.

The Belyaninov didn’t like to comment on the scandals associated with his family. According to the friend of Brezhnev, grandson of the Secretary-General was difficult to reconcile with a private divorce.

“He didn’t like to comment on the personal life, we rarely discussed this topic. I remember once we had to do an interview with Alexander Mamut, and I asked Andrew, what the relationship is with current husband’s ex-wife. He then sadly replied: “What can I possibly have a relationship with him? He educates my children.” After that, we personal never spoke again”, — said Sergey Mendeleyev.

Andrew broke up with his wife Hope Laminas back in the 90’s, but before the end of his days he lived out the failures in his personal life. Sons of the grandson of Brezhnev lived abroad, so he rarely saw them.

The niece of Andrew at the end of the program noted that they do not hold resentment for his uncle. In the words of the successor of the famous clan, the children of the Secretary-General had problems with alcohol, which affected the lives of his grandchildren. However, according to Galina Filippova, the frequent deaths of her relatives do not speak of the curse or evil rock, but rather testify about the difficult fate of each kind of Participation.