В Сети обсуждают роман Ольги Ефремовой и внука Бориса Ельцина In microblogs heirs of celebrities appeared in the controversial footage. Apparently, Olga Ephraim and Boris Yeltsin Jr. spend a lot of time together. Now the woman came from Italy to the Russian capital, taking one year old son Arseny.
В Сети обсуждают роман Ольги Ефремовой и внука Бориса Ельцина

In microblogs granddaughter of the famous actor and Director Oleg Yefremov, and the grandson of the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin began to appear ambiguous pictures. Not so long ago Olga came to Moscow, where he spent time in the company of Boris Yeltsin-younger, and together they go to theatres, and walk around Moscow. In the comments she admitted that will stay in the capital for a long time.

However, after publishing quite moving pictures the Network began to appear the rumors about their possible romance. The video Olga gently laid his head on the palm of Boris.

“Olga is wonderful, of course. And how goes the motherhood,” wrote the man in the microblog.
В Сети обсуждают роман Ольги Ефремовой и внука Бориса Ельцина

Fans remember that less than a year ago, Ephraim married Italian businessman Alessandro Blue. In April she published pictures of her husband and was given to understand that in their family all is well. In the microblog she didn’t tell anything that might push on the idea of separation of the couple. The couple also grows adorable son Arseniy, who in may was a year old. Now the baby is with its mother in Moscow. Olga Efremova married

For a granddaughter of the famous Director the birth of a child was a milestone. She gladly shared information about motherhood subscribers in the microblog.

“I – my mother. Welcome, Arseny! Eyes huge! So funny! I look at him and can’t believe he was in me. Lord, forgive me for my anxiety, but it really is the most surreal event in my life. And I have not realized fully,” wrote Ephraim a year ago.

Now 36-year-old Yeltsin is considered one of the eligible bachelors. For more than two years, the man met with Serbian model Tamara Lazic. However, their relationship never resulted in marriage. As it became known, became a model to meet a new lover.

It is possible that Olga and Boris have friendly feelings, and a spouse of Ephraim did not mind that she spends time in his company and gets upset when she sees their pictures.

В Сети обсуждают роман Ольги Ефремовой и внука Бориса Ельцина