В Сети обсуждают памятник, посвященный Ольге Бузовой The sculptor is a fan of the actress intends to make her a gorgeous gift. He wants to erect a monument in honor of the beloved star. Olga Buzova itself has not commented on the news.

Olga Buzova is without doubt the most discussed person of the Russian show-business. Not yet subsided scandal between her and the family of rapper Mota, as already had another sensational news about the TV presenter. It turns out that a famous sculptor from Moscow region intends to perpetuate the importance of the achievements of the artist through his lifetime monument.

The author of the project chose not to disclose his name, but noted that developing a model of the future monument. The man intends to seek the erection of a monument in the Moscow region. To do this he will have to collect a lot of documents, but do not intimidate the fans of the singer.

This news excited the public. Many came to the conclusion that Olga earned this honor, because she was able to achieve incredible heights own, by only his labor and perseverance. However, there were those who condemned the sculptor for excessive initiative.

“We will be glad, but it seems to me that it is not loose,” “Cool, of course, but the chances of that are allowed to build, be reduced to zero. Yeah and a monument would be immediately on the first night painted”, “the fact to put or not – this is not so important. But the fact that she is so popular, is really impressive” – opinions of members of the artist.

We will remind that fans Buzova is not the first time surprising originality in the expression of their feelings for the artist. So, a few months ago one of the fans of the star got a tattoo with a portrait of Olga.

The presenter always enjoys such broad gestures on the part of admirers of her work. It has been repeatedly recognized followers in love and thanked them for their support. Despite the constant criticism that the star hears in his address, it continues to move confidently to conquer the musical Olympus.

Recently Olga has told that used to the betrayal of those whom he considered friends, and now tries not to let anyone into their inner circle.

“I don’t know why it happens, but most often disappoint us, those who shout the loudest in our ears about love, about friendship. Who, straining ligaments, cry of eternity, give an oath. The louder you shout like that, the more Bang you stuck a knife in the back,” wrote the actress on Instagram.

After the divorce with Dmitry Tarasov Olga had to stop communicating with many stars whom she considered friends. However, the singer left a few faithful friends, for whom she would do anything. Fans are also trying by all means to prove the presenter’s love. They Buzova showered with gifts and flattering comment, and she was pleased with their new hits.

It is likely that Olga will be delighted by the news of the appearance of the monument dedicated to her. However, the portal “360” has not yet reported, when the monument will be ready and presented to the public.