Разоблачение: Филипп Киркоров сознался, что всех обманывал
The singer stated that he had a bad conscience.

Разоблачение: Филипп Киркоров сознался, что всех обманывал


Photo: @kirkorovofficial (Instagram Philip Kirkorov)


Photo: @kirkorovofficial (Instagram Philip Kirkorov)

Premiere of the new clip of Philip Kirkorov for the song “mood Color blue” made on the eve of a splash. It seems that recent video of “king of the pop scene”, which starred Yana Rudkovskaya son, Nikolay Baskov, Grigory Leps and Olga Buzova, will long be discussed in the Network. And while fans and colleagues come to his senses, Philip made an important statement. Kirkorov admitted that the work on the video took place under a signature stamp “top secret”, so he had throughout the week, cheat not only fans but close friends.

As it turned out, Philip a week appear in public with a fake beard and moustache. For the sake of the secret image he had to say goodbye to the facial hair. So no one guessed that a man is ready to “videobomb”, the stylists picked out for him a suitable simulation.

“All night I was tormented by conscience, and here it is… the Whole truth about the main hoax of the century: all 6 days of filming the video “mood Color blue” were classified as “top secret” and full of conspiracy, as the image of my character in the movie “without a beard” was to remain secret for the moment. But active social life and a concert of Philip Kirkorov lasted during the whole and could not stop, — said the singer. — The way out was the only one to glue the beard and mustache on my practically virgin shaven face…

Forgive me for this little visual illusion for the benefit of art in all media, my fans and audience, especially in the city of Dubna, where the end of my show, as in the famous film “the diamond arm”, the hero Papanova, unstuck us!” By the way, the idea to shave his beard and mustache Philip “knocked out”, Ivan Urgant, who became the producer of the provocative clip.