Before you get to the hospital, the musician suffered flight in a falling airplane.
Stas Mikhailov
Photo: “7D”
Director, Stas Mikhailov Sergey Kononov in
interview to the journalist of “New radio” has revealed all the details of the incident that occurred with the famous
performer on tour in Stavropol.
“Stas has been a sharp pressure surge happened
hypertensive crisis, and, unfortunately, we had to postpone the performance
it was scheduled for this day, — said Kononov. — Stas was taken to the hospital where
qualified doctors did everything necessary: in the morning he was healthy and on
legs. And, of course, he gave us all a scare”.
Speaking about the incident, Sergei emphasizes that
a failure in the body of Stas Mikhailov occurred on coincidence of many circumstances.
“One of them is
the climatic conditions of the city of Stavropol, which is located one thousand meters above
sea level, and where possible weight of such moments, says Director
stars. — Then we somehow happened that twelve performances of Stas were
almost in a row, without a break. In addition, there was a heavy flight, it
he was all hyped up… All this together and affected his health.
Because he leads a healthy lifestyle. Runs every morning, and deals
sports, eat right. But, as practice has shown, nobody is insured from what.
Flights to Stavropol
Sergey Konov recalls, shuddering.
“We flew in a small plane, and then he began suddenly to fall,
— he recalls. — We almost said goodbye to each other, not realizing that
happens. That’s really were falling, just not there some kind of pit air. And when
arrived, asked the pilots what it was. They said that the controllers got it wrong, and brought us into the corridor, where
to meet us was a large passenger plane. And they had to Dodge. I think
it also affected the health of Stas”.