Work on the creation of a sequel “Jurassic World” will begin in the near future. Before Director Juan Antonio Bayona and the cast has the challenge to produce a painting that would match the previous, and best of all even surpassed its success.
With the press of Bayonne has shared some details about the upcoming film and said that he knows on what to focus, how to attract people to the sequel.
According to Juan Antonio, the fans expect not beautiful tales about the world of dinosaurs, and the present horror.
“Of course, if the site Chris Pratt is always funny. But in this case we are talking about a more dark history. This is the next step in the trilogy, and he, as a rule, darker, say, “Empire strikes back”” he said, refusing to clarify the details of the plot.
To the execution of the main roles will involve Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard. To oversee the project as producers intend Frank Marshall, Steven Spielberg, and the original Creator of the film Colin Trevorrow.
We will remind, “Jurassic World” should become a trilogy. “The whole “Jurassic World” is a trilogy, which was conceived by Colin Trevorrow. We write the second Chapter,” said Bayona.
The premiere of the second part of “Jurassic World” to be held in 2018. Other details are unknown yet.