Дима Билан смог доказать, что он справится с ролью в фильме
Popular singer Dima Bilan now boasts not only a solo career, but their acting debut.

Дима Билан смог доказать, что он справится с ролью в фильме

Dima played one of the leading roles in the movie “Hero” with whom the service provider is managed. But screenwriter Olga Pogodina-Kuzmina admits that initially this role was to invite Danila Kozlovsky, and the nomination Bilan puzzling.

Дима Билан смог доказать, что он справится с ролью в фильме

“Initially, the idea to invite Dima to the main role it seemed to me wild. But as we have learned more about Dima when he realized that he truly lights up the subject, it became clear that he could cope with such a challenge,” says the woman.

It should be noted that Dima has graduated from GITIS, and therefore he is an undoubted talent, which was demonstrated in the new film.

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