«Дима Билан провел с нами ночь»: история проводниц-близнецов из поезда «Москва-Хабаровск» The singer made the stars of the employees of the railway. The singer made the stars of the employees of the railway. Sisters Elena and Natalia unexpectedly became not only a fellow traveler of a popular artist, but also participating in his video.

      Elena and Natalia, conductors of the Khabarovsk – Moscow, and thought that someday you will Wake up famous. But last week, becoming the characters of the new video Bilan, the twin sisters have experienced the popularity in full. In the frame of Dima in the company of two conductor rides the route Omsk – Novosibirsk under the track C. C. Catch “Cause You Are Young”.

      “Bilan was with us one night, told “StarHit” escort Natalia Militsky. – He took the train in Omsk at 23:00, and landed in Novosibirsk at 7:35. Dima went into the car, shook hands and disappeared in the compartment. An hour later I offered him tea, he gladly agreed.

      After some time out in the corridor of the car – standing at the window with a mug in hand. Saw me and said, “you Can ask me on the phone to remove?” I agreed. Dima gave the cell phone explained how to keep. He stood at the window, and began to pose… When I gave him the camera, thanked: “Thank you!”

      In an hour’s time – Bilan once again is standing in front of the compartment. Looking past him, two pass – me: “Oh, we heard you and here ya go. And what room he’s in, can you tell me?” And I said, “He sleepeth.” Didn’t know him – he’s in the hood stood. Well, well, why do you think the person to pull…

      An hour before arrival to Novosibirsk woke up my sister, went out into the corridor. Dima saw us, gasped, “So you’re twins!” And then: “let’s you video shoot! Come to me, get up, drop the head down, and when I tell you “uh-huh,” slowly lift”. Dima called the organizer of the tour, Boris, gave him the phone, we did everything happened in one take.

      I didn’t know that Dima is our video on the Internet posted. Realized this when my friends began to call: “Natasha, we’re in the video at Bilan seen! Cool!” And Bilan have mixed: signed in the movie, it’s Lena by the window in shot, but actually it was me…”

      Publication of bilanofficial (@bilanofficial) APR 6 2017 9:14 PDT