The singer went on to sacrifice for success.
Dima Bilan
Photo: @bilanofficial (Instagram Dima Bilan)
Almost no new photos of Dima Bilan in social networks is not without questions from fans about his “serious illness.” Many fans suspect that their idol is hiding serious health problems. Last year, the actor lost a lot of weight on the background of problems with the spine. From the moment of operation has passed some time, and the appearance of the singer continues to be painful. Fans much care about this issue, but the Bilan no.
Recently Dima said that he likes how he looks now. The singer doesn’t want to go back to their previous weight either through diet or through the recruitment of muscle mass. First and foremost, exercises with dumbbells and barbells, according to the artist, “spoil” the diaphragm. And besides Bilan just like his current “stringy” structure of the body.
“Because I believe that swing is a whole body exercise, for me personally, not really needed, as for the singer, and even sometimes harmful, because it takes away the necessary oxygen and respiratory volumes from the diaphragm, and in General, I like to be sinewy, but to hang with the road and catch a couple of dozen times — it is possible and necessary!” — said Dima. It should be noted that in addition to the above, look good Bilan prevent crazy work schedule. Fans, however, do not lose hope that Bilan still will one day return to the old way: make the “old” hair and gain a couple of pounds.
Recently, by the way, Bilan put in place the world, which subtly mocked the Network on its appearance. “Remember that to be evil just, no internal work is not necessary to make! Spank yourself that will climb up, kill the head of another something brown and maybe sticky it! I consciously don’t want (know how), at least today was. I hope that my rod would not fail me in the future!” — asked Dima to detractors.