Скончался звезда сериала «Барвиха» Дмитрий Мирон On the death of the artist Director of the Taganka Theater Irina Apeksimova. Dmytro Myron did not early on Monday morning, the actor was only 41 years old.

    Скончался звезда сериала «Барвиха» Дмитрий Мирон

    Died Belarusian film and theater actor Dmitry Miron. This sad news was announced on his page on Facebook Director of the Taganka Theater Irina Apeksimova – the artist worked with her producer center.

    “Friends, today at 5.45 died Dmytro Myron,” wrote Apeksimova, posting a picture of the actor in the microblog. Later in an interview Irina Apeksimova told that Dmitry Miron died in a hospital in the city of Alma-ATA in one of the theaters of Kazakhstan, the actor has worked the past two years.

    “Bitter…very…much… terrible,” ” can not Be. How?!”, “I just don’t believe. Dima!”, “Dimka, can’t believe it!”, “In memory of”, I can’t believe this happened to friends and acquaintances of the actor, read the post Irina Apeksimova.

    On the causes of the death of Dmytro Myron has not reported.

    Dmitry Miron was born 19 April 1975 in Minsk, he studied at the Studio school of actors Guild of Belarus under the leadership of Vladimir gostukhin. In 1994 she moved from Minsk to Moscow, where he entered the GITIS. After graduation he worked for three years at the theatre of the Russian Army, and then received an offer from Irina Apeksimova to take part in the play “Carmen”, and then he worked in the production centre. Wide audience Dmytro Myron familiar thanks to his roles in films and television series such as “Trace”, “Method”, “gentlemen-companions”, “Barvikha”.

    This is not the first tragic news. Earlier it became known that in the night of Monday has died actor Alexei Daineko, June 5, celebrated his 46th birthday. Him also in Facebook said now the widow of the artist and TV presenter Elena Logatskaya. The wife of actor Alexei Daineko said about his death

    For this moment became known the preliminary cause of the sudden death of the young, strong men. Specialists of the Bureau of medical forensic examination after examining the body of the deceased came to the conclusion that Alexei Daineko could die from pulmonary embolism. As reports the edition Life, one of the probable causes of the disease could be the recent broken leg. A blood clot in the fracture area, up through the vessels along with the blood, and then occlude one of the pulmonary arteries.

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