Умерла дочь Людмилы Гурченко Queen Maria died at 59-m to year of life. The reasons why a close relative of the famous singer passed away, is still unknown. Wednesday in the broadcast channel “Russia 1” will show the newly recorded transfer involving women edition of “Andrey Malakhov. Live”.
Умерла дочь Людмилы Гурченко

Became aware of the fact that he died only daughter Lyudmila Gurchenko Mary Queen. The woman died in the 59th year of life, did not live a few days before the birthday of his mother. November 12, Lyudmila Markovna would have turned 82 years old. The life of actress and singer ended in March 2011. The sudden death of Jack was a real blow to her loved ones.

The family’s lawyer Gurchenko: “We will do everything to Masha was buried beside his mother”

As it became known, the last few days the Queen Mary was not feeling well and wanted to go to the doctor. However, women failed to reach the clinic: daughter Lyudmila Markovna died in the stairwell. The body of a close relative of the star was found by her daughter who called the ambulance. The doctors stated the death of the Queen.

The father of Mary was the writer Boris Andronikashvili, the son of the writer Boris Pilnyak. The Queen left a daughter Helen and granddaughter Tasia.

Wednesday, November 8, on air of TV channel “Russia 1” will show the episode “Andrey Malakhov. Live” with the participation of Mary Queen. Daughter Lyudmila Gurchenko will meet with his Georgian brother. The shooting of the program took place a week ago. In a recently recorded the transfer of Mary Queen fulfilled his lifelong dream and met a close relative, who gave her a unique album of photographs.

Lawyer Shota Gorgadze, who was involved in the family of Lyudmila Gurchenko, admitted that he regrets the sudden death of Mary Queen. The lawyer brought condolences to relatives of the women. In an interview with “StarHit” Gorgadze suggested that the Queen could feel bad because of heart problems.

“Dead daughter Lyudmila Gurchenko Mary… sorry, man with a tragic fate. I was her advocate in the case of inheritance Lyudmila Markovna, we talked a lot in recent times,” wrote the lawyer in one of social networks.
Умерла дочь Людмилы Гурченко

Over a long period of time, the Queen Mary could not find a common language with the last husband of Lyudmila Gurchenko, producer Sergei Senin. However, relatives of the famous singer managed to overcome the differences that had arisen between them.

Last week the widower of Lyudmila Markovna became the hero of the program Boris Korchevnikov “the Destiny of man”. Live transmission Sergey Senin has told about his relations with Mary Queen and revealed the truth about her conflict with her mother, which was widely discussed in the media a few years ago. In the opinion of men, well-known singer and her daughter could become victims of envy.

Умерла дочь Людмилы Гурченко“Lucy and Mary do not conflict, it cannot be called a… What is the conflict? I can see the kitchen, and there are people angry excited. Just at the time Mary stopped to chat with my mom. This was already so much all was told, – told last husband of Lyudmila Markovna. – In this whole story I had the feeling that she is a person driven. Maybe she was good at manipulating not very educated, slim and intelligent people. They have brought this situation to what happened. There is not Mary, there’s other people”.

The Senin refused to name specific names of people who used to conspire against the father. “They don’t deserve that,” he said. During the conversation with the YouTube Koschevnikovi the widower of Lyudmila Markovna said that he could agree with her daughter Mary Queen. “We have covered all the issues in a manner which I suggested in the beginning. I came to the conclusion that Mary is a gentle and kind man,” he said.

Husband of Lyudmila Gurchenko: “It is brilliant to drive!”

The dispute between Sergey Senin and Mary Queen came on the background of disagreements on how to dispose of the inheritance of the famous actress. After the death of Lyudmila Gurchenko her apartment in Trekhprudny lane went to her husband and daughter. Senin insisted to transform the home of a celebrity in the Museum, while the Queen strongly hinted that not thrilled with this idea.