Диана Шурыгина станет крестной мамой для правнука Олега Стриженова In late March, Alexander gave birth to their fourth child. Recently a mother often becomes the heroine of the Patriotic talk show. Strizhenova has announced on Instagram that the chosen godparents mother to son Alan Diana Shurygina.
Диана Шурыгина станет крестной мамой для правнука Олега Стриженова

Granddaughter of the famous actor Oleg Strizhenova Alexander once again became a mother this spring. Daughter Natalia Strizhenovoj gave birth to a son Alan.

Sasha decided to tell Network users that Diana Shurygina will be the godmother of her baby. Recall, the successor of the famous couple has three children: Roman, Valery and Ilya.

“Today you two months, my home. How you’ve changed since birth. I am very happy of your achievements. Together, you and I, baby, pass all tests, whatever they may be. We love you, our baby. I hope that after all aunt Diana will become your godmother. Rusty, son, and bring joy to us all!” – told Strizhenova.

We will remind, Alexander eagerly waiting for the fourth child born. Mother of many children was very nervous, because at the time Alan was supposed to appear from day to day.

“The kid in the stomach, apparently, very good. No matter how I tried, whatever, he can’t get out… plans on Monday to go into the hospital unless your contractions… She probably will call. Would to God that all went well. Anxiety is growing, although a CT scan suggests that the baby is all right”, – shared his experiences woman.

Alexandra herself was born in June 1987. Her mother is Natalya Strizhenova, the daughter of actors Oleg and Marianne Strizhenovy. The heiress of the legendary artist passed away in 2003 from heart failure. Marianne Strizhenova, the first wife of Oleg Alexandrovich, had a daughter a year. Sasha’s estranged from his famous relatives Alexander and Katherine. In an interview with the TV host and the actor asked him not to tie her granddaughter’s father to their family. Granddaughter of Oleg Strizhenova lost the baby

“After it 15 years ago insulted my father, my grandfather, and decided to live independently, we do not communicate. It was her choice. I don’t know anything about this person and don’t want to know!” – said Alexander Strizhenov.