Диана Ходаковская крестила дочь The presenter shared the joyful tidings. Diana Khodakovskaya became the mother of the baby Nina at the end of last year. Recently the young parents introduced the successor to faith. They shared with “StarHit” the details of the ordinances.

The star of the First channel Diana Khodakovskaya brings six-month-old daughter. Together with her husband Artem they try to give the baby all the best and to grow in her love and care. The family celebrity was an important event: the girl baptized.

The ceremony was held in a Catholic Church on Malaya Gruzinskaya street in Moscow. The couple approached the matter seriously, so they have been carefully looking for spiritual parents for the baby. The star mom was very important to the Church and the education of her daughters gave close family. So, the choice fell on brother Artem and Diana’s cousin. In addition, it was necessary to make another decision in which faith will grow Nina. It was originally planned that the girl will Orthodoxy, like her dad. However, in the temple, the family was refused.

“My sister is Catholic, as I do, that has become an obstacle for the Church. As Catholics it is important that at least one godfather adhered to this religion. In General, since we have a multi-religious family, we try not to separate religion and live according to the Christian faith,” – said a young mother.

The Ordinance passed in a circle of relatives and friends of the family. Despite the conventional wisdom about what children baptized immediately after birth, the couple decided to do it a little later. According to them, the baby was calm and quiet. In addition, young parents noticed that the heiress chose to laugh during the ceremony and not to cry. Diana admits that that day was her most cherished dreams, and she’s ready to tell the world about it.

By the way, unlike many stars, TV host from the very beginning did not hide its interesting position. She shared with subscribers microblog innermost thoughts and feelings. So, in the last months of pregnancy the Khodakovskaya was worried that he could not stop fussing and run. According to her, at that moment, the support and advice of loved ones was more important than ever.

In addition, during this period the woman had a strange taste sensations, as she also frankly told the followers. Diana was unghiului to construction dust and could not eat chalk, which was a real treat for the stars. Presenter of the First channel Diana Khodakovskaya gave birth to a daughter