Диана Гурцкая мечтает о втором ребенке

Famous Russian singer Diana Gurtskaya gave a Frank interview in which he told about their secret dreams. The singer, who is already eleven years old is married and is raising with her husband Peter, son of Konstantin, dreams of a daughter.

“I really want a daughter. It’s so great to have brothers and sisters. I know, always feel their support, and because I want to have Bones also had such wealth,” — said the artist.
My son Diana tries to raise in rigor, but as a mother gives up the slack. For example, my husband recently offered to send my son to summer camp, so the boy became more independent, but the mother was not allowed.
“I resisted, mindful of his childhood spent in a boarding school, where, in principle, not in poverty. But I am convinced that a piece of black bread at home is much tastier than a celebratory dinner in the big house” — says Diana. Gurtskaya sent his son to the circle of Georgian dances, besides, Constantine is studying the Georgian language.
“Man, one way or another relevant to the Caucasus, should know how to dance lezginka. So is the language. I and my family teach him Georgian language,” said Gurtskaya.
Husband of Diana lives in perfect harmony. Of course, like everyone, between them quarrel happen, especially since Gurtskaya – Georgian hot-blooded and hot-tempered sometimes. Spouse knows about it and he sometimes had to give in to her, but even so, Diana I’m sure they have in house is a Patriarchy, and the last word would always be for her husband.

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