Денис Матросов окрестил младшего сына
The Ordinance passed in day of memory of Admiral Fyodor Ushakov.

Денис Матросов окрестил младшего сына

Denis Matrosov and his wife Olga Golovina with her son Theodore and baby godparents: Anastasia and Alexander

Photo: @matrosovdenis (Facebook Denis Matrosov)

Usually infants are baptized on the 40th day after
light, but Denis Matrosov and his civil wife Olga Golovina postponed the sacrament
almost two months waiting for a special date. Little Theodore was born on may 1,
but dubbed it just now, in early August.

“August 6, 2016, father Andrew dubbed our Fedora
Denisovich, in honor of Admiral Fyodor Ushakov, canonized by the Orthodox
Church August 5, 2001 — said the actor. — What do you think? Of course
name Sailors only in honor of the Admiral, the commander of the naval forces
Russia. By the way, in the battles of Fedor Ushakov did not lose a single ship and none of
his subordinates were not captured. Yes, and my grandfather Fedor Akimovich Losev, in honor of
named son, was kissed by God, went through three wars without any
injured, lived a long life with a beloved wife Anna, which
gave birth to and raised four children. And my grandfather was an incredibly kind person.
God forbid, Fedor Sailors will take all that was best in these people.”

Denis Matrosov staged in honor of the baptism of the youngest son of feast

Photo: @matrosovdenis (Facebook Denis Matrosov)

Following the example of his grandfather, 43-year-old Sailors — four
father. However, unlike the ancestor, the famous actor was already a few families.
The first civil wife Lyudmila Tatarova bore him two sons — Vladimir
and Yuri. The long-awaited son of Mary
Kulikova (her Sailors were married) my name is Ivan. And now there
Fedor. Sailors insists that necessarily marry his mother, once a little
grow up their baby.

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