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To do its such a beautiful and stylish comb very simply and quickly. It only will perfectly complement the decor of your dressing table, but could be a great option spiritual gift.

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For decoupage, we need:

  • the wood combs;
  • the ground;
  • varnish;
  • adhesive;
  • acrylic paint (white and dark) ;
  • brush;
  • sandpaper;
  • candle;
  • napkin.

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Master class on decoupage on a tree

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Cover with soil a comb one by one with 2 sides and leave to dry at least an hour.

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Cover a comb of dark acrylic paint also with 2 sides and leave to dry for another couple hours.

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Our billet dry. Now take the candle and RUB it all protruding parts of comb, and do a couple of strips on a flat surface. This will be our future the cracks, so try to make smooth lines. As soon as we walked by a candle, need to wipe with a soft, dry brush all the excess particles.

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A comb covered with several layers of white paint with intermediate drying.

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After the brush is dry, take sandpaper and hides the places that rubbed a candle is visible lower dark layer of paint.

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Pick up favourite motive from the napkin and cut the necessary fragments of the picture. Separate the upper layer of colorful napkins.

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Glue the image way file, which you can learn more in a previous master class on decoupage. Leave the brush to dry.

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Next, create a light spray of paint on the surface, for this we need a hard brush, toothpick and dark paint. Dip the brush into the paint and gently sprinkles using a toothpick at the comb.

This wonderful textured spots! Sprinkles is also on the second side.

After that, a comb covered with several layers of varnish to dry. Thus, we get the author’s unusual looking comb, which will be one of a kind!

Thank you for your attention and creative success!

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