Дина Немцова рассказала, как ее закалила трагедия The girl told about the responsibilities of a brother. Boris Nemtsov was killed two years ago when Dean was only 12 years old. Now she appreciates the skills that took over from his father, and notes that many of his traits were passed to it.
Дина Немцова рассказала, как ее закалила трагедия

In February 2015 politician Boris Nemtsov was killed in Moscow. The man had four children, two of whom were born in marriage to TV presenter and businesswoman Ekaterina Odintsov. At the time of death of the man’s son Anton was 20, and daughter Dina – total 12. Despite the fact that the statesman did not live with them, he maintained warm relations with the former spouse, and also found time for communication with children. After his tragic death the young man had become the head of the family. Sister praised the act of the brother and thank him for his support.

“He’s very serious, responsible, but not cold. He will always support me in difficult times, even if I’m busy or studying. He’s incredibly hardworking, and I really respect that. He is now the head of the family, and with the duties he copes. We are incredibly close and very much in love with each other,” Nemtsov admitted.

Despite the relatively young age, the girl is freedom and strength of personality. Many say that Anton and Dina inherited from their parents the seriousness and responsibility. The successor policy recognises that learned a lot from mom and dad.

Children of Boris Nemtsov learn to live without a father

“They have a lot of similar traits, and I can confidently say that the most important qualities that I have inherited is the love of knowledge, people and life in General,” says Nemtsov.

The girl remembered that the parents were encouraged when she took independent decisions, but it is always advised to think about the consequences. Dean happy that this was able to learn to consciously relate to his actions. She’s not afraid to tell people the truth, but warns that she doesn’t have in mind to offend anyone. Nemtsov believes that friends appreciate her straightforwardness.

Now the girl he loves art – she spends free time in front of the canvas. However, she believes that not deprived abilities to the exact Sciences.

“And internally I’m more like dad. I even spread the interest in technical Sciences, and the mother “Chembio,” – said Dean in an interview with PeopleTalk.