Дочка Стефания является для Дмитрия Маликова примером для подражания
The famous singer Dmitry Malikov with each passing day it becomes more and more popular on the Internet.

Дочка Стефания является для Дмитрия Маликова примером для подражания

The musician gave an interview and during the conversation with the journalist told about his relationship with his daughter Stephanie.

Дочка Стефания является для Дмитрия Маликова примером для подражания

“I’m with her I take an example. She is a student, enrolled in the MGIMO, is a journalist. She’s not doing it [social media] seriously. It is such a tool now to Express themselves somehow. As a person, not just as a musician. Previously, it was enough to release two or three songs a year, and you’re a star. And now I need somewhere to constantly be to be on everyone’s mind,” – says Dmitry.

Stephanie is already at such a young age she earns the money and cooperates with a number of well-known brands.

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