The godfather is a charming two year old Lisa shared her new photo on social networks. His followers found that the girl is an exact copy of the prima Donna. The heiress was taken on the first birthday of the daughter of Igor Nikolaev.
In early October, Igor Nikolaev and Julia Proskuryakova celebrated the birthday of his heiress Veronica. The girl was a year old. The celebration was attended by many stars of show business, including Christina Aguilera, Maxim Galkin, Alla Dukhova, and many others. Unknown or visited party Alla Pugacheva, but her charming daughter Liza visited the family of Nikolaev. This became known today when the singer shared on social networks a photograph of the baby.
“Looking magical Minnie mouse in the eye! My godmother’s daughter Lisa Galkina preparing to cut the cake in the form of Minnie mouse on the first birthday of our daughter, Julia, Veronica”, – shared the artist in his Instagram.
Followers celebrities found that little Lisa is very similar to his famous mother. Considered by many to be the God daughter of Igor Nikolaev very beautiful and lovely. “How lovely, you look wonderful”, “Liza is a miracle! Well done Alla, well, godfather our good, our Maestro,” “the Real Princess”, “What’s the paw, just angel”, “Like a painting by Rubens,” the “Glorious, wonderful”, “Pugachev in miniature, a copy of Alla,” wrote in the comments to the publication of Nikolaev.
By the way, most recently, on September 18, the twins Lisa and Harry was three years old. On this occasion, the heirs of the celebrities gave the bikes pink and red colors. Your holiday children Pugacheva and Galkin noted in the company of family and friends. To congratulate Lisa and Harry came Alla-Victoria and Martin Kirkorov, and daughter Kristina Orbakaite Claudia Zemtsova.
After some time in the First channel out the author’s program spouse Pugacheva “Maximmaxim”. It starred Lisa and Harry. Then the twins first showed a close-up. Viewers agreed that they grow copies of their famous parents.
Recall also that Lisa and Harry are walking to kindergarten. The heirs of the stars visited the institution “puss in boots”, which is located in the village of Mud, where there is also a luxurious castle of their parents. A month stay at this place costs about 320 thousand rubles. There are caring teachers teach Lisa and Harry drawing, playing musical instruments, choreography, choral singing and much more. Children of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin will celebrate the birthday in the garden