Дочь Курта Кобейна откровенно поведала о борьбе с алкогольной зависимостью
Recently the daughter of the legendary Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love, 25-year-old Frances Bean, was shocked by the unexpected statement.

Дочь Курта Кобейна откровенно поведала о борьбе с алкогольной зависимостью

The girl has published in his microblog post, which reported that during two years not drink alcohol. After recovering from alcoholism Francis was able to establish a relationship with the mother.

Дочь Курта Кобейна откровенно поведала о борьбе с алкогольной зависимостью

“I wanted to write this message here in Oahu, surrounded by nature. Here it looks particularly symbolic, because today is my second sober birthday. This is an interesting decision for me to share such a personal moment open. But I wish my experience was useful to other people and helped those who went through it, too. Every day is a struggle with pain, depression, and other terrible things. Of course, for me and everyone around me, what I’ve become, is the best thing that happened to me recently.

So today I am going to mention that finally healthy and very happy that I can experience different emotions. I’m constantly evolving. And as corny as it may sound, life will be better if you want it. I will never claim to know something that others do not know. But I know what I need, and the desire to leave this world — it is no longer about me,” said the daughter of a musician.

Recall that after the death of his father Francis could not recover for five years she kept in touch with mom.

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