Дочка Игоря Николаева сказала на камеру первое слово
Julia Proskuryakova has released a touching video.

Дочка Игоря Николаева сказала на камеру первое слово

Julia Proskuryakova and Igor Nikolaev

Photo: Elena Sukhova

The little Veronica, daughter of Igor
Nikolaev and Yulia Proskuryakova appeared first achievement. This was told by the wife
singer and composer, published a touching video with the baby.
As it turned out, eight-month-old Veronica spoke and Julia managed to capture the responsible
moment on camera.

The first thing he said Veronica was “dad”.
However, unfortunately, the singer missed the point. At this time he was absent
at work and first uttered the word girls is not heard.

Dad, Hello Dad???? waiting for you @igor_nikolaev_music ?? PS. This is our first word???

A video posted by Yulia Proskuryakova ? (@uliaveronika) on Jun 12, 2016 at 7:36am PDT

Incidentally, according to the folk belief, if the first word of the child, “daddy”, the next in the family the baby will be necessarily male. Yulia in the near future not planning a second pregnancy, but this possibility does not exclude. “Wait, let at least a year and a half will take place…” — wrote in his microblog Proskuryakova.

Recall that the daughter of Igor and Yulia was born in October last year. And most recently held the christening of Veronica. The ceremony was attended by Julia Nikolaev and Alla Pugacheva. “This is the most important day in a person’s life — the day he connects with God. — shared his impressions Igor Nikolaev. — Our girl is now your guardian angel that day and night will protect and guide her in difficult situations. Thank God that everything went very warm, sincere and friendly, and our souls filled with light!”

Alla Pugacheva, Igor Nikolaev, and Julia proskurjakova, Sergey Shakurov, Svetlana Mitrofanovna Nikolaev (grandmother Veronica)

Photo: photo from personal archive of Yulia Proskuryakova

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