Дочки Натальи Ионовой (Глюкоза) одалживают у нее вещи
Popular singer Natalia ionov, known under the pseudonym of Glucose, is a mother of two adorable girls, Lydia and Faith.

Дочки Натальи Ионовой (Глюкоза) одалживают у нее вещи

Often the singer shares with followers pictures of their daughters. Recently she told me that girls use the things from her wardrobe, she can not do anything.

Дочки Натальи Ионовой (Глюкоза) одалживают у нее вещи

“Wardrobe just flies to pieces, I’m still waiting for the eldest to grow my size. But I’m happy with them share everything, I do not mind. Of course, not allowed to take my things without asking, and so happy to arrange with them the beauty days, when we gather together for some holidays. We have formed a maiden clan. Eldest – she’s more “rap”, because she’s a teenager. By the way, I myself in these years I remember well – I was a Tomboy. I didn’t want to wear any dresses. or skirts, I loved jeans, sneakers, t-shirts… And loved them almost eighteen years, until I met my future husband, who asked me: “did You ever in your life dress to wear?” – told Natalia.

Despite the fact that the husband of the actress is older than her 13 years, the couple always amazes idyllic in their relationship.

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