Дочь Наталии Гулькиной хочет стать актрисой
The singer selects her prom dress.

Дочь Наталии Гулькиной хочет стать актрисой

Natalia gulkin daughter

Дочь Наталии Гулькиной хочет стать актрисой

Natalia gulkin daughter

Natalia gulkin together Asay Ryazankina, an expert on fashion, choosing a prom dress for daughter
completing this year’s eleventh grade. For shopping
eighteen year old Ian Mandrik tried on about twenty outfits
Russian designers: from
short silk light dresses to luxurious evening
costumes embroidered with glass beads and rhinestones.

“Today’s fashion
once again tells us that everything in our life is cyclical, and everything
repeated, — says Natalia. For example, my prom dress was
blue color ruffle and lace — these are the styles I offer
us modern designers. It turns out that my daughter, many years later,
go to prom in a dress, one-to-one as my prom

However, the choice of Yana stopped on alternative
version: the girl liked a brilliant evening dress in floor — trend
of the season. Elegant model, embroidered with stones, sequins and
lyricsboy thread, with panels of organza and silk. Natalia remained
happy with the choice of his daughter. “You only have to pick a dress beautiful and comfortable shoes, clutch and jewelry,” — said the singer.

while dress waiting for its moment of glory, Yana is preparing for
entrance exams to the UNIVERSITY. She decided to follow in the footsteps of their parents and
to learn a creative profession — actress or Director. Documents already
filed VGIK and GITIS. It is symbolic that exactly twenty years ago, in 1997
year, Natalia gulkin became a student of actor’s faculty of GITIS
where transferred to the faculty of variety arts of the same University.

Natalia gulkin daughter