Дочь Кристины Орбакайте увлеклась балетом
The singer admitted that he does not like to plan the celebration of the New year.

Дочь Кристины Орбакайте увлеклась балетом

Kristina Orbakaite with her daughter Claudia


Kristina Orbakaite

Photo: Elena Sukhova

Kristina Orbakaite admitted that unlike many do not like to plan New year celebration.

“I like to decide spontaneously. But the rest, of course, valuable to me and the children. The past year had us all tense. Nikita married, set up home, writes songs for his rock band. Denis examines the fundamentals of business, Cambridge. By the way, recently he became interested in photography. While a little shy, but it turns out he’s great, Dani makes friends whole photo shoot. Previously, he studied music and graduated from the classes, drum and piano, but photography gives him the opportunity to Express themselves, says Aguilera. — Claudia to ballet class added preparatory courses for school: she sleeps and sees how it goes first class.”

By the way, despite her young age, Claudia has been
on the stage, singing along with her mother and quite
not shy of a large audience. The singer says she not just knows all of her repertoire, but she has favorite songs that
she sings all the time.