Дарья Пынзарь заговорила о предательстве The star of “House-2” said that the change entails a divorce. Daria has been married for more than six years, and she has a firm position regarding the betrayal of a loved one. Point of view, the couple shares and Sergey Pynzar.

      Дарья Пынзарь заговорила о предательстве

      Black Darya and Sergey Pynzar gave his Union official status of the family in may 2010. After the wedding, the participant “House-2” has taken her husband’s name. The marriage of young people was eighth on the famous telestroke.

      Since the audience of the project was watching the fate of many couples, most of whom could not withstand various tests. Pinzari in this respect was an example for many families. The couple bravely fought the temptations, which in the “House-2”, by the way, was a lot.

      Now the perimeter Daria and Sergey remember with a smile, then what is happening on the project. At the same time, they don’t even dare to talk out loud about all the difficulties through which they had to pass. Looking for other couples in the “House-2” Daria realized that she would be unable to forgive betrayal.

      “Sometimes, people are sold for money, for anything else, choose the most suitable option of bride or groom go to the rich lovers… It’s a kind of betrayal. Marriage betrayal is treason. In any case, the man who is cheating, and then says, well, he was wrong, is a traitor. How is that even possible? Can prevent if it is the beginning of a relationship when the person is not confident in his choice, and he is still considering his options, is determined. But if we are talking about marriage, if the spouses have children, how can there be here a five minute crush? This is nonsense! The real betrayal, and I think that in this case there is no way back”, – says Daria in an interview with “StarHit”.

      As you know, a female point of view regarding cheating does not always coincide with men’s. Men often justify their behavior as polygamous or simply believe that they are sometimes permitted to see, as they say, left. However, Sergei Pynzar does not apply to this category of men. On the contrary, his opinion on the betrayal of a loved one harder than Daria.

      Daria and Sergey Pinzari: “Everything bad we have learned from each other”

      “I agree with Dasha, a betrayal is first and foremost an act of treason. From infidelity, there are many options, ranging from simple flirting. This is a betrayal – some flirting with another man or with another woman. It is still possible to forgive but can not forgive betrayal,” says “StarHit” Sergey.

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