Дарья Пынзарь жалеет о сделанных губах

Former member of the popular TV show told about the errors of youth.

For the life of the family of Darya Pynzar watched by almost two million people. The followers of the star of the reality love her for her candid stories, good tips on parenting and beauty, and for its frankness.

Even before the birth of my first son Dasha, yielding fashion, she had her lips done, but the procedure was unsuccessful and she received the result “as if bitten by bees. Now Pynzar undergoing procedures to restore your natural lips.

frame from the release of “House-2”

Дарья Пынзарь жалеет о сделанных губах

“Wanted to show by example that don’t touch the person unless you need! My long-suffering lips… once, yielding bad fashion to dumplings, I fell into the hands of a layman, which is the “House-2” did lips girls on the pipeline, and I joined the herd instinct.

Drive in Yandex “Pynzar lips,” and you will see the horror of my upper lip was huge, and the whole appearance was as a girl, bee-stung, even had allergies, was in pain. And then for several years I suffer, I now take them is a painful procedure, much harder than to do, and certainly longer and there is no guarantee that all will be as it was. What this video and this post? To ensure that without having girls touch your lips, don’t be fools like I am at the time! But if there is such a need, then go to a professional, and not “at the same time with my friends”. Good thing I had the brains to make hyaluron (though he’s in unprofessional hands of would-be doctors with bought crusts and seals is fraught with tumors and fibrosis, which is very difficult to remove), I have a lot of girls podeschi and maybe someone I repent!

Let me explain that I am not against change in itself, I am opposed to mutilated! Want lip – go to a professional, it is better to think 10 times whether it is necessary for you! Over time you realize that there is nothing more beautiful personality! Robotina has long been bad form. Be beautiful and happy! You are faced with this problem? Share! Maybe talk some sense into someone”, – told his story in English.

The followers of the star have supported it, and some expressed gratitude for the experience and decided to waive such procedures.

“Thank you, my dear, I wanted to inject fillers, but after your honest post will not” “Finally began to pass this terrible fashion”, “Dora, it is better to be yourself in what mother nature gave birth to”, “Jana, you’re so sweet. Direct hurts to see your tears”, commented subscribers video, where Pynzar make the procedure to remove the filler.

Video posted by Daria Pynzar (@darya_pinzar86) Jul 19 2016 at 7:23 PDT

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