Daria Milay revealed the secret of the book: Clinical psychologist Daria Milay admitted that the idea for the book came to her in a dream. “Daria Milay revealed the secret of the appearance of the book: “What mothers are silent about. Children's reasons for non-children's stories” />It is believed that the life of a child begins at birth. But there is a period when any external influence and internal experiences of the mother can form a childhood trauma. Daria Milay, a psychotherapist, author of books and innovative psychotherapeutic methods, spoke about this period and perinatal mental life in her book.

– How did the idea of ​​writing a book come about?

I am a psychotherapist, in my work I use Jungian symbolism, including with dreams, since these are messages from our unconscious. About a year and a half ago I had a dream that I was writing a book. Of course, I could not miss this sign and took it as a guide to action.

It is interesting that in a dream the name came to me – Atlas of Psychology. But I did not write such a book, although I retained the meaning to some extent: I revealed psychological concepts in cases and stories of people.

– Why was this particular topic chosen for the book?

Understanding the perinatal mental life is the door to understanding the patterns of everything that happens to a person. It is during this period that what we later know about love, betrayal, aggression, pain, tenderness or anger is laid. I thought for a long time, do I have the right to write a book on such a complex topic? And when everything inside fell into place and the “permissions” in my head fit in, I set about creating it.

– Who is your target audience? What kind of mothers and every girl, in principle, should definitely read it?

This book is for everyone who is interested in the inner world of a person and the motivation of actions. But it is especially useful for women. The program of the child begins to take shape from the moment of conception. Every girl eventually dreams of becoming a mother, and it is important to understand that all the emotions, thoughts and feelings of others, the woman herself during pregnancy affect the unborn child. After reading this book, a girl will not only become a researcher of her own life and traumas, but will also understand how to launch positive scenarios in the perinatal period for children, – psychotherapist Daria Milay is sure.

– What is the uniqueness of the book?

First of all, the theme. Complex, multifaceted, but so necessary for understanding the universal laws by which any living being lives. The second point is that it consists of stories related to the life of the author, as well as client cases. Some may seem personal, written off from you, and some will surprise you – does it really happen?
In the illustrations, symbols are encrypted, they can be endlessly considered and lived. The book is accompanied by the author's audio practices that allow you to feel the topic on your own experience, to immerse yourself in it.

– What problems will it help to solve?

The book helps to go through all the corners of a person's perinatal memory and understand the causes of events in his life. Find the right approach to yourself, your reactions, behavioral patterns, life processes and your own body. You will be able to look at difficult events in your life from a different angle and go on an exciting journey in search of answers in your perinatal period. And these valuable discoveries will become your resource on the way to healing,” says clinical psychologist Daria Milay.

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