Криштиану Роналду встречается с «Мисс Испания-2014″ Дезире Кордеро

Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo does not change its habits, and occurs only with models. New passion sports legends, was a Spanish fashion model and the winner of the beauty contest “Miss Spain-2014” Desiree Cordero< /strong>.

Криштиану Роналду встречается с «Мисс Испания-2014″ Дезире Кордеро
Spanish edition with the romantic name “Corazon” (ie, “Heart”) reports that the young beauty did not notice the time on the outskirts of Madrid near luxury villas womanizer, and on his page in Instagram she also hinted at her novel with striker “real”.

“Good things take time, but truly significant happen in the blink of an eye” — she wrote under the Ronaldo, adding a symbol CR7, and all agreed that this is a direct statement about the affair with Cristiano.
I must say that Desiree, who took sixth place at the contest “Miss universe” in 2014, also does not change his ways earlier, she had an affair with a footballer Enzo Renella.