Поздравляя сына с днем рождения, Стас Пьеха признался, что ему стыдно
Today, March 23, son Stas Piekha Peter is three years old.

Поздравляя сына с днем рождения, Стас Пьеха признался, что ему стыдно

Star dad often talks to the baby, it brings mother, model Natalia Gorchakov.

Поздравляя сына с днем рождения, Стас Пьеха признался, что ему стыдно

But he is, at least, has ceased to hide the fact that he had a son. He even openly published in a blog message to my love:

“My name is S. Peha (Gerulis) … I am 36 years old and I have lived a rather strange and contradictory life… But now not about it:)) the window – Murmansk, snow and sun, early spring, the Lord has not given me (clearly marked) cheerfulness and optimism(we’re working on it:)) and early spring, a period of painful awakening from a winter of nothingness, I especially disliked (on a number of unimportant reasons), that’s why life is rehabilitated and gave me a son it was at this bleak time… in Order to compensate for the lack of resource and become the reason to wait for March, I think every year is brighter and clearer… Today Peter celebrates 3 years! I sincerely congratulate his mother, grandmothers, great-Grandmother, aunt and uncle and all relatives with such a Wonderful holiday! And of course the hero, happy Birthday, Son! #Perplexa #birthday #3 #megadatabase #edendale”.

Поздравляя сына с днем рождения, Стас Пьеха признался, что ему стыдно

Only here the fans did not understand why there was such a officialdom, to what was to begin by saying controversial life. Some have made the assumption that Stas really ashamed of the fact that his son is growing without him, otherwise why all these big words.

But, it is never too late to begin to communicate with loved ones or to make life a little better.

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