Совместный снимок Чумакова с двухмесячной дочкой растрогал фанатов
Fans called the singer the best father.

Совместный снимок Чумакова с двухмесячной дочкой растрогал фанатов

Alexey Chumakov

Photo: Instagram

Alexey Chumakov issued a joint photo with
the two-month daughter, who touched the singer’s fans almost to tears. On
photo a girl holds a tiny pen thumb of his father. “Dad is always near” —
signed by the artist. “Oh, it’s really cute! Lovely! What a touching love between
dad and daughter! Here it is happiness. How touching! You will be the best father!” — gasped and groaned subscribers
microblog singer.

Despite the fact that Alex and his wife Julia Kovalchuk nor
never show a child’s face, a pair of fans already know, who looks like a girl.
According to the singer, she is growing into a real beauty and incredibly like him.

The birth of a daughter has greatly changed the perception of Alexey Chumakov ambient
world. This is due to the fact that the artist personally
was present at the birth of the baby. Shortly before the birth of Yulia Kovalchuk he
was a little hesitant in making this decision, but later admitted if
missed this Grand event would be greatly spared. “Have I seen God? Of course
Yes. Birth. Does anyone, besides Him, gave you more
substantial evidence?” — asked philosophical questions Chumakov.

Photo: Instagram