Клэр Дэйнс призналась, что получила двусмысленное предложение от Шварценеггера
The star of the show “homeland” has solved the mystery of the actor.

Claire Danes


Claire Danes, whose star has clearly soared after starring in the film “Romeo+Juliet” with Leonardo DiCaprio was supposed to play in “Titanic” with the same partner. But refused to go to University to study psychology. However, having studied there for three years, the actress returned to Hollywood. One of her first films after returning to the profession, was the blockbuster “Terminator 3: rise of the machines”.

“I called at the last second, — says the actress. But it is not bad. There was no time to think. (Laughs.) Remember how Arnold Schwarzenegger tried to persuade me to come after filming in his trailer. It is there equipped gym, can you imagine the trailer? (Laughs.) Now I regret that did not agree. Could all brag about it! The nephew of my then-boyfriend lived in Australia. And he had a birthday in that time, we were filming “Terminator…”. And I asked Arnold to make a video where he congratulates the boy. So that was nice — Arnold didn’t just congratulate him, said a bunch of nice wishes, but also showed his muscles: “you now know what it means to be a real man.” After that all the boy friends just tortured him with requests to provide them a congratulations from Schwarzenegger!”

Full interview with Claire Danes, see here>>