Чак Норрис отказался от карьеры, чтобы ухаживать за больной женой
A Texas Ranger is suing a pharmaceutical company

Chuck Norris wife Gina O’kelly


Chuck Norris decided to act in unusual roles. Forgetting the movie, he walks around the courts, trying to achieve
in fairness, his ailing wife — Gina O’kelly.

Last year, as told by Norris, with his wife happened
a very unpleasant story. It all started with the fact that Gina, a mother of two younger
a child actor (then 14-year-old twins Dakota and Daniel) decided to go
examination. But after the wife of the “Texas Ranger” did an MRI, she suddenly
became bad. She felt palpitations, a burning sensation and pain throughout the body. And,
over time, these symptoms do not subside but only intensified. It came to that
Gina, who considered herself to this quite healthy and very physically active
the woman fell ill. “I was praying to at least stay alive, because I’m not
managed to raise our children…” — admitted the wife of Norris. When she
went to the doctors, they were unable either to help her or even explain what it is
happened. In the end, Norris left his job and took his wife to China, where he found
practitioners of alternative medicine who have managed at least
to ease her condition. But all her health haven’t recovered.

When Chuck turned to
independent researchers, those explained to him the disease of his wife caused
poisoning gadolinium — a substance used in the contrast fluid,
which is administered to patients during MRI. As claimed by the above
experts that this substance is acutely toxic. The pharmaceutical company allegedly in
aware that highly sensitive patients can be seriously affected by the introduction of
of this substance, but they hide this information because it is unprofitable to them. And
now Chuck is suing the manufacturer of contrast fluid, requiring 10
million in compensation of the damages incurred.