Actor Chris Hemsworth has published a post on instagram, which has denied reports about the breakup with wife Elsa Pataky.
Recent reports of rupture of the stars of “Thor” (Thor) Chris Hemsworth (Chris Hemsworth) with actress Elsa Pataky (Elsa Pataky) began to appear more often. Insiders told the tabloid that the couple wants to take a break, and even that Hemsworth is already looking for a new wife.
The actor has denied all the rumors with a post on instagram. He posted a photograph with his wife and signed her, “says Woman’s Day Australia and other publications, I’m looking for a new wife. Honey, you’re still like me, right?”.
Looking for a new wife according to @womansdayaus and other it outlets! Honey you still love me right?! @elsapatakyconfidential #thanksfortheheadsup
Hemsworth and Pataky met in early 2010, and in December got married. In may 2012, was born their daughter India (India). Two years later, there appeared also their sons Tristan (Tristan) and Sasha (Sasha).