A year ago, the actor left his wife, who at the time was pregnant with her seventh child. It turns out that their youngest children are still not aware that his father left the family.
That Yevgeny Tsyganov left the family, became known last summer. They have common-law wife, actress Irina Leonova seven children: Pauline (11 years old), Nikita (10 years), Sophia (8 years), Andrew (7 years old), Alexander (age 5), George (2 years) and Faith (1 year). The marriage broke up because of the novel Eugene with actress Yulia Snigir, who in the spring gave birth to a son Fyodor.
As journalists found out, Irina has still not told the younger children that dad is not with them anymore lives.
— Irina admits to friends that have not yet been able to tell my kids that their dad left. To their questions “Where’s daddy?” “At work, busy.” That Tsyganova another family now, and in the house Leonova was not discussed. Younger children do not know. The conversation with the guys she left for later, – writes the edition “Komsomolskaya Pravda”. — Friends who have been in Irene’s house, drew attention to children’s drawings, placed in the cupboard behind the glass. They are still drawn and mom and dad.
Irina is doing everything in order to cope with fallen on her difficulties. She returned to the stage of the Maly theatre, where for a long time was listed in the decree, and started giving private acting lessons. For home help hired a nanny, which performs the functions of a housemaid. In addition, it helps older children: Pauline deals with Faith, Nikita is the other, and my mom jokingly calls his “father-commander”.
As reported by “KP” Evgeni Affairs of the former family is not engaged, but regularly remits money. In addition, he left Irina’s apartment on Leninsky Prospekt, which is bought by taking a loan. And he is with Julia and the younger son lives in a rented apartment.
Recall that none of the members of this family drama has yet been given about it any comments.