Дети из «Дома-2» зажгли на вечеринке в элитном клубе The kids looked quite grown-up. Friend Ksenia Borodina Katya Zhuzha said octennial daughter Nicole a Grand celebration at the same restaurant, where on the eve of their friends invited Philip.

      Дети из «Дома-2» зажгли на вечеринке в элитном клубе

      Posh party in honor of the eighth birthday of his daughter Nicole gave a close friend Ksenia Borodina Katya Zhuzha. On holiday in a luxury country restaurant complex Soho Country Club, where, incidentally, may 1 celebrated the birthday of pop-king Philip Kirkorov, socialite and renowned party girl Kate Susan invited their girlfriends, ex-contestants of reality show “Dom-2”, together with the children.

      Among the guests of the celebration were seen Ksenia Borodina with her daughter Marusya, Darya Pynzar son Theme, Elena Bushina with daughter Laura and son mark.

      Pati participants eagerly shared details with fans by posting in the microblogging photos and video from the celebration so that they can be used to judge how bright it turned the party. It began as quite a children’s party with entertainers dressed in Safari-style, with dinosaurs, with show of soap bubbles, sweets and other essential attributes of fun for the kids.However, in the final celebration of the children’s turned into a real adult club night. The kids lit up hit Yegor creed “the Most”, danced to live music on the stage sang for them one of the participants of the adult show “the Voice”. Disco liked the kids clearly most. “Tear the club to pieces!”, – commented all of the photos in the microblog Ksenia Borodina.

      Video published borodylia (@borodylia) 2 May 2016 10:23 PDT

      Дети из «Дома-2» зажгли на вечеринке в элитном клубе

      “Oh, and annealed yesterday our children at a birthday party, – shared his impression of the festival Elena Bushina. – Mark yesterday, filled up with parties like he’s 20 years old shoes, threw a coat to the side and sleep. He was interested in the animation gorgeous, delicious cake and games. The main thing is the dancing, just all 5 hours of dancing.”

      By the way, not long ago, Kate Susan joined the team of the leading “House-2”, joining Olga Buzova and Ksenia Borodina. Kate entrusted to conduct a mini-project called “news at Home-2”, which aired before the night edition of the show. However, many fans of “House-2” the name of Katie Zsuzsa has long been familiar. However, until this girl basked in the glory of his girlfriend Ksenia Borodina, and now she has to prove she has a weight and as an independent creative unit.

      Дети из «Дома-2» зажгли на вечеринке в элитном клубе
      Дети из «Дома-2» зажгли на вечеринке в элитном клубе

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