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Ekaterina Volkova succumbed to the blandishments of a daughter.

Ekaterina Volkova

Photo: @volkovihome Instagram Ekaterina Volkova

At the end of last month the daughter of the star of the TV series “Voroniny” Ekaterina Volkova has put mum before the fact: she wants to get the rabbit. The actress refused to purchase, but today, the actress officially introduced to the fans of new family members. In the house actress appeared immediately two decorative rabbit.

“A dream come true baby, Bunny and the bead. But just went to look…” — he shared with fans Volkova. The acquisition of these animals was accompanied by a small family scandal. The fact that Volkova and so adopted into the family of three dogs and a cat. She was not prepared for the fact that the house will be even more “living creatures.” Not so long ago, she asked fans for advice on how to convince a six year old Elizabeth to abandon the idea of buying rabbits.

Bought last month fish instead of rabbits has not helped Catherine to persuade her daughter. As a result, she gave up under the onslaught of the Caprice of Elizabeth. However, the fans support Volkov stories that the new “tenants” in their home is not as bad as it seems from the outside. The actress was convinced that with proper care, they bring a lot of trouble, but Elizabeth she can take care from the rabbits and give them your love.