Шарлиз Терон призналась, почему рассталась с Шоном Пенном
The actress finally called the cause of the break.

Шарлиз Терон призналась, почему рассталась с Шоном Пенном

Charlize Theron and Sean Penn

Photo: Splash News/East news

Charlize Theron with son Jackson

Photo: Splash News/East news

When Charlize Theron broke up with Sean Penn before the wedding, she long refused to speak about the reasons of rupture. But close friends of the actress claimed she just edged out Sean too, did not give him any explanation… Correspondent 7days.ru Charlize for the first time agreed to comment for this separation.

“Many publications were writing that we stopped with foam all contacts, they say, I turned to him in invisibility. All this is nonsense! — said the actress. I didn’t say, just the journalists had to make a sensation out of this story, that there were such “details”. In these cases, the audience needs some creepy and crazy drama. But the truth is, we both decided to leave, when I realized that the relationship does not lead us to what we both wanted. That’s all.”

Charlize refuted another rumor is that Penn adopted Jackson, her son.

“It is not true! Jackson was two years old when we began to meet with Sean, continues the actress. And I
I think that 18 months of the novel — an insufficient time for decision-making about adoption. Quickly such things are not done. Yes, before we started Dating, we were friends. And well
knew each other. But love is not friendship and in a love relationship for
we were just getting started. And imagine, I
a single mother and my little boy suddenly finds himself in a situation
when his mom goes on dates. Despite the fact that it has no father.
See what I mean? I must admit that Sean it all
understood and tried very hard. But our relationship, unfortunately, was not developed
in the direction in which he should have been. So I gave in
adoption paper all alone, without his participation. If I become
mother, I have a duty to protect their children from the consequences of their
errors in relations with men. Now my life revolves around my
children — Jackson and
August (immediately after the break with Sean, the actress has adopted a girl — approx. ed).

The full interview with the actress here>>

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