Чарли Шина в состоянии наркотического опьянения задержали на границе с Мексикой

Was short-lived a sober life Hollywood actor who lost all his fortune. The star of the TV series “Two and a half men” detained during his flight on a private plane from Mexico to America. In the pictures, came to the editors of RadarOnline, Charlie is depicted in handcuffs. Once a famous and successful artist of the immigration and customs service led by the hand, like a criminal.

Charlie with a beatific smile and glassy eyes struggling to stay on his feet, sweat filled his forehead.
According to the insider, the incident occurred at the airport, brown field in San Diego. Private plane was forced to land for inspection.
“Charlie came back from Cabo San Lucas and didn’t expect check in San Diego. Charlie was high and it was evident. Law enforcement officers brought dogs and one started barking near the suitcase, but when it opened, it was a false alarm. Meanwhile, Charlie said he wanted to use the toilet, let him go, and searched only when he returned. It was clean. He probably got rid of the drugs in the bathroom” — said the insider. After inspecting the Tires got on a plane and went home.
Recall that about a month ago, parents of HIV-positive Charlie put him through a detox course in their own home. According to insiders, Tires are literally dead, and if not for the actions of the parents of the actor, then it would no longer be alive. Unfortunately, the joy of a sober lifestyle son was not long. How many wolf feed, he still looks to the forest.