Герцогиня Кэтрин пожаловалась на одиночество
The wife of Prince William has admitted that she has not easy.

Герцогиня Кэтрин пожаловалась на одиночество

Kate Middleton


Under the radar, 35-year-old wife of the heir to the throne always
looks flawless, her face shining smile. She never lets
show your fatigue or bad mood, but really she is sometimes
have a hard time. Duchess Catherine admitted this at a meeting with students of the Global

The Duchess came to the meeting “equipped” as always beautiful in a dashing bright red Armani suit: slim skirt with jacket
zip. Her hair was perfect, and she seemed
just radiated friendliness and good mood. But when she began
a conversation with two young mothers from among the students, she noticeably became sad.
The girls complained to her how sometimes things are hard, and Katherine suddenly said: “you Know, I
sometimes I feel terribly lonely… to Do all the time with children, friends I see very rarely… But all of us, young mothers, need to pluck up the courage
to get through difficult times…”

Kate is not the first time makes
such hints to the fact that not everyone in her family life as good as her
I would like to. Back when Prince George was
small, wife of Prince William has admitted that the development of the role of the mother is given
her with great difficulty. “Nothing can prepare you to what experiences any
woman, including me, when becoming a mother it’s an incredible mixture of love,
anxiety and incredible, constant fatigue… You suddenly cease
be the same person, you no longer have the time and opportunity to think about myself — only child,” she said then. And later admitted that motherhood
became for her “a challenge and a very difficult test.”

However, to do all of this serious conclusions about the occurrence of
the crisis in family life, Katherine and William, perhaps still not worth it. Because children
grow up, and Kate often appears in public. In the fall, when restless
prankster George goes to school, she will become even easier. Then she may be able, trusting Charlotte the nurse, to see my friends at parting,
which complained to the students.

Prince William and Duchess of Cambridge: Prince George and Princess Charlotte